. Allergy Free Canada Helps You Become Allergy Free!
Allergy Free Canada is a natural wellness center which uses a technique that combines acupuncture meridians (the electrical current of the body which enables the nervous system to send signals to the brain) and frequencies (electromagnetic signatures) in the form of information to help stimulate your immune system naturally to work specifically on allergies/intolerance's.
This holistic approach relies on the ability of the body to re balance itself with the help of unblocking energy pathways which will promote healing.
Have you ever wondered "Why do I have allergies?" or "Can my allergies be cleared or released?"
If so, then our website and quite possibly, our services will be for you. We have helped people with the following:
Types Of Allergies/Sensitivities
Seasonal allergies (spring, summer & fall) - allergy triggers could be snow-molds and outdoor molds, tree, grass and weed pollen (yes...ragweed too), lawn grass cuttings, pollution and more...
Winter season allergies - Household toxins due to more time spent inside such as dust mites, carpet, furnace fumes (oil-gas-coal), house cleansers, fireplace gases & smoke, leather fumes, latex & oil paints, laundry detergent mix, incense, houseplant phenolics and more...
Migraines/Headaches - possible triggers are barometric pressure change, geopathic stress, rain precipitation, heat, chemicals, foods and more...
Asthma - could be triggered by cats, perfumes, cold air, laundry detergent, viruses and more...
Exercise Induced Bronchio-constriction (also know as Exercise Induced Asthma ) - cold viruses, foods, weather change and more...
Skin Issues - itchy skin, hives can be triggered by foods, eczema, skin rashes, chemicals, nylons and more...
Insect allergies -mosquito bites, Bee stings, Wasp, Spider bites, Black flies and others...
Sleep Disorder/Problems - Restless legs syndrome, alcohol, hormones, caffeine and more.
Sunlight radiation, wifi, UV light, heat, cold and more...
Vitamins, minerals, amino & fatty acids, enzymes and more.
Clearing allergies, frequency clearing allergy, oral allergies.
Please note:
Results may vary according to each individual.
Anaphylaxis or life threatening symptoms can be assessed and following the treatment strict avoidance is advised. Allergy testing following the treatment with a medical doctor is advised.
This treatment does not diagnose allergies, sensitivities or intolerance's.
This treatment only assesses what may be causing a stress to the body.